Article Actions

Every Newsela article includes the ability to view additional levels, assign content, preview activities, and take additional actions. The article Leveler is located at the top left.  The Assign button is located at the top right of the article. The article toolbar can be found below every article image underneath the article descriptors, and the activities panel can be found at top right of each article page.

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You can find descriptions and how to use each feature below.

Each Newsela article is available at 5 reading levels, ranging from grades 2-12. On any article, the leveling button above the title to see and navigate between all levels. The MAX level is the original version of the article. You’ll also see the grade level of the text under the title (“Text Level”). You can learn more about converting Newsela grade levels to Lexile levels here.

Change the Level

  1. Click the level button

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  2. Select the level you'd like to read or preview.

  3. Review the content

    1. The text will have changed significantly to include more background information, less text, fewer complex sentences, and simpler vocabulary.

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Click on the blue Assign button in the upper right-hand corner to assign an article to a class, or add an article to an existing assignment. 

Click the Print button to print an article. You will see options to print the article with or without the quiz and the answers.

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Once you make your selection, you'll be able to download the article (including quizzes and answers) as a pdf by clicking the down arrow in the upper right corner.

Click on the Activities button on the far right hand side of an article page to view the article activities. Teachers can now choose which activities they would like to include in an assignment, even before creating their assignment.

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Click the Share button to share an article via Google Classroom, Remind, email, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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To share an article with your students, make sure to assign it by clicking the Create Assignment button in addition to any other ways in which you share it. 

Click the save button to save an article to your Saved page. You can get to this page by hovering over Your Content at the top of the page and selecting “Saved By You” from the drop-down menu.

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To hide an article from a class, click the hide button and select a class. Students in the class will not see the article on Newsela. Class names are red when the article is hidden for them. To unhide an article, click the class name again.

If a student belongs to another class and the teacher assigns the article you've hidden, the article will become visible to that student.

Note: Teachers can also hide all non-Elementary articles from their students by setting a class to Elementary.

To add an article to a Text Set, click the "+ Add To Text Set" button. Then, select either one of your existing Text Sets or Create a new Text Set.

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Click the Present icon, beneath the article descriptors, to project an article for class instruction without showing teacher features, student work, or quiz answers. Launch Present Mode to model an article for your class with a screen that looks more similar to what your students see.

Click on the font size icon to change the size of the font in the article

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Click on the count option to count the paragraphs in an article

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Click on the listen icon to utilize our read aloud feature. The speed of the read aloud can be slowed down, as well as paused.

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